
Capture one styles for real estate and architecture
Capture one styles for real estate and architecture

The role of secular architecture (public buildings, palaces, city houses) and secular genres of fine art (portrait, landscape) has increased. The collective experience of medieval masters gave way to the individual creativity of the artist and architect. The statement of beauty and harmony of reality, appeal to man as the highest principle of being, ideas about the harmonious pattern of the universe, mastering the laws of objective knowledge of the world give the art of Renaissance ideological significance and internal integrity.

capture one styles for real estate and architecture

Religious spiritualism, ascetic ideals and the dogmatic convention of medieval art were replaced by a desire for realistic knowledge of man and the world, belief in creative abilities and the power of reason. The areas in which the turning point of the Renaissance epoch was manifested with particular clarity were architecture and visual arts. The question of the chronological borders of the Renaissance (in Italy - 14th-16th centuries, in other countries - 15th-16th centuries), its territorial distribution and national peculiarities is difficult. The culture of the Renaissance has specific features of the transitional era from the Middle Ages to the new time, in which the old and the new, intertwining, form a peculiar, qualitatively new alloy. The main distinctive features of the Renaissance culture: a secular character, a humanistic world view, an appeal to the ancient cultural heritage, a kind of “revival” of it (hence the name). Rinascimento) Epoch in the cultural and ideological development of a number of countries in Western and Central Europe, as well as some countries in Eastern Europe. Renaissance (French Renaissance, Italian.

Capture one styles for real estate and architecture